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How much is the annual output of 500,000 tons of concrete mixing plant equipment

To establish a commercial concrete mixing plant, it is important to buy reliable and durable equipment, and the choice of equipment type should be determined according to the size of the mixing station to be built. For example, how many cubic meters or tons of concrete production is required to be achieved in a year. For example, to achieve an annual output of 500,000 tons of concrete, you can choose the right equipment model according to this scale, and choose a reliable manufacturer to purchase equipment.
Annual production of 500,000 tons of concrete mixing plant
One cubic meter of concrete is about 2.3 to 2.5 tons, and 500,000 tons of concrete is converted to square meters with not more than 220,000 square meters. So which type of mixing plant can achieve an annual output of 220,000 cubic meters of concrete? According to the production of 10 hours per day, working for at least 300 days a year, the output needs to reach 72 cubic meters per hour. So which kind of equipment is suitable? In the HZS concrete mixing plant series, the equipment that can produce 72 square meters of production time can only be achieved by the HZS75 concrete mixing plant and above. If you need higher output, you can choose Higher production equipment such as HZS90 and HZS120.
So what is the price of such a concrete mixing plant? Since the mixing station belongs to the complete set of equipment, some of the components or accessories users can be flexibly configured according to the needs. The specific price needs to be calculated according to the order. The approximate price needs to be between 600,000 and 800,000. The specific price can be communicated with the manufacturer in detail.
 How much is the annual output of 500,000 tons of concrete mixing plant equipment(图1)

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